What's new in latest version of SwitchResX
- Should solve the bug asking again for registration if already registered since a long time
- Corrects two bugs in the scripting mechanism of SwitchResX Daemon
- Shows the horizontal/vertical positive sync correctly on existing resolutions
- Shows the right recalculated CVT vertical resolution when using this timing mode generation formula
- Shows the correct starting Display Set in SwitchResX Control
- Correctly applies the origin of a display when set from a Display Set
- Doesn't let APE patch any SwitchResX tool to avoid infinite loops
- Prepares the transition to SwitchResX 4
What was new in previous versions of SwitchResX
SwitchResX 3.8.6
- Solves a bug when checking new version online, and corrects a crash with LittleSnitch
- Corrects a crash when reading EDID in some cases
- Permits to select Applications again on Leopard when designing a Display Set
- Enables the monitor before doing any other change when a Display Set contains both a monitor activity and some position settings
- Correctly updates the Current Depth and Mode shown when using Apple Remote Desktop in curtain mode
- Correctly allows to change a resolution from SwitchResX on a second monitor, if all other applications are forbidden changing resolutions
- Sorting of resolutions in the menus is consistent with Apple sorting method
- Shows more "standard" resolutions that may be smply enabled
- Searches the preferences in the /Library folder if more than one user are sharing their preferences on a single Mac
SwitchResX 3.8.5
- Uses APE 2.5 final
- Can save windows again correctly
- Apply correct display set's icon & windows settings after a display set is changed
- Optionnally saves Desktop for the previous Display Set when switching Display Sets
- Save desktop and Restore desktop commands are recordable in AppleScripts now
- Keeps and restores the Enabled or Disabled state of a display when running and quitting a monitored application
- Added a second secutiry to ensure not to allow disabling all displays
SwitchResX 3.8.4
- Can successfully distinguish a display which is enabled but mirrored from a disabled display
- Can successfully mirror more than one display on configurations with 3 displays or more
- Doesn't re-enable a display after 10 seconds if it was just disabled
- UI fix: mirroring option in a Display Set containing is correctly shown
- UI fix: updates the UI if the startup time is modified
- Several memory leaks are fixed thanks to the CLang tool
- Should solve a bug where registration infos coulg get lost after some time causing a preferences file corruption
SwitchResX 3.8.3
Corrects a crash when saving icons by Display Sets and when no set was preexisting
Preserves existing windows data when saving windows by display set and more than one set is active
Preserve display status (active or inactive) across restarts
Can show information regarding Extended EDID on displays supporting it (CEA and VTB extensions)
SwitchResX 3.8.2
Two new main features:
Saves desktop icons positions & windows sizes and positions with display layouts: you can have different desktop layouts (with and wihout an second monitor for example), and swicth automatically between the layouts when you plug or unplug your monitor
Allows to disable a plugged display without unplugging it. Uses can be: having a TV always plugged to the Mac, but not willing to use it, without having to deconnect it phyiscally; or use a laptop on external display with the internal screeen dimmed...
Some less important features:
Brings a shortcut to System Monitors Preferences
Corrects a missing feature where the previous resolution was not applied back after a restart
Shows the Blanking & Total values when creating a new timing
Displays the localized floating point values in the exported EDID data
Some bugs corrected:
Corrects a bug when trying to restore position of Finder windows
Corrects a bug when a Display Set was not automatically applied during application startup
Corrects a bug where the Preferences window could sometimes not be closed on Leopard
Corrects a bug where a "0x0" resolution could appear in SwitchResX lists of resolutions
SwitchResX 3.8.1
- Brings back the Menu Extra in the menu bar, on certain configurations of Leopard where it wouldn't be displayed
- APE Runs back on Leopard, thanks to the hard work of Unsanity. Reminder: APE is not required for SwitchResX to work, but can enhance some of its key features
- Doesn't crash any more while trying to get info about the latest version
- Dropped Panther Support, requires Tiger 10.4.0 at least (for the APE module - the other parts should still work)
SwitchResX 3.8.0
- Doesn't crash any more when launching/quitting the Daemon from within the Control Panel
- Corrects even more unstabilities that have been seen on Leopard and could lead to Control Panel crashes
- Corrects some memory leaks in the Control Panel
- Shows right detailed timing parameters again for existing scaled resolutions
- Removed some system private calls that are now public APIs
- Removed one limitation for the unregistered version
SwitchResX 3.7.11
- Contextual Menu works in PathFinder now, and displays a correct menu without garbage
- Corrects a crash when trying to replace windows positions if no window position was saved
- Corrects a crash when Control Panel was used from an other user account than the account used during installation
Compatible with Leopard: Corrects the unstabilities that have been seen on Leopard and could lead to Control Panel crashes
Vertical and horizontal positive synchronisations were mixed on previous releases
SwitchResX 3.7.10
- Contextual Menu works in PathFinder now, and displays a correct menu without garbage
- Corrects a crash when trying to replace windows positions if no window position was saved
- Corrects a crash when Control Panel was used from an other user account than the account used during installation<
SwitchResX 3.7.9
- Common timings were not kept activated when SwitchResX was quit
- Better options to reset to factory when womething is messed up after activating a bad resolution: you can reset all displays, even if you cannot boot from a messed one
- Corrects some bigs where reset to factory could remove the name of the display given by MacOS X itself
SwitchResX 3.7.8
- Corrects a bug with interleaved resolutions, which were not correclty saveed after 3.7.7 update
- Corrects a bug with Display Rotation menu, which was not updated on Powerbook G4
- Corrected some bugs while defining the key shortcuts used by SwitchResX (visual and functional)
SwitchResX 3.7.7
- Restore icons works correcty if align on grid option is not selected
- Correctly updates the Menu in Apple Remote Desktop in curtain mode
- Changed exported EDID formatting output to match Custom Timing format
- Corrected some old URLs in the software
SwitchResX 3.7.6
- Quick change arrow buttons in the Custom Timing dialog box are now working in the correct direction
- Can again launch Applescripts from within Display Sets
- Can manage Display Overscan from Menus and Display Sets
- More coherency tests in the Display Sets
SwitchResX 3.7.5
- Corrects a rare crash with multiple monitors, seen mostly on MacBooks
- Corrects a problem where the Control Panel would report that current settings are not already applied right after opening it
- Corrects a problem where the SwitchResX Menu could sometimes not be loaded at restart (again)
SwitchResX 3.7.4
- Corrects a problem where some resolutions settings were not reloaded correctly
- Corrects a problem where the SwitchResX Menu could sometimes not be loaded at restart
- The (optional) APE Module is now Universal Binary - this marks the return of the resolution blocking and redirection features on Intel based Macs
SwitchResX 3.7.3
- Automatically checks for new versions online
- On video cards that allow it, can flip the display horizontally/vertically/diagonally
- Can launch and quit the SwitchResX Daemon from within the Control Panel
- Can set and reset display overscan for TVs (via AppleScript only at this time)
- Better AppleScript recording possibilities: records screen mirroring/unmirroring, screen orientation changes, grayscale changes
- Better Application sets handling, even for applications that don't provide a bundle name
- Corrects a bug where two arrow buttons when configuring a custom timing were mixed
- Corrects a bug where two monitors could falsely get the same name when the second was plugged
- Corrects a bug when replacing icons
- Corrects a Display Sets bug, where the menu was not in sync with the created sets
SwitchResX 3.7.2
- Corrects crashes and bugs on the Intel version. This version works well on Intel MacMinis
- Enhances compatibility between Intel and PPC version
SwitchResX 3.7.1
- SwitchResX can now save and restore position and size of the windows in all applications, and not only in Finder
- Icons could bounce to a wrong position in some cases
- In some cases the Vertical back and sync parameters of custom resolutions were not used
- Corrects some bugs on the Intel version
SwitchResX 3.7
New functions
Lots of new features in this version. Most features were
taken from user reviews (requests or rants).
- On Tiger: SwitchResX saves (and restores) Finder Icons
positions and Desktop Windows positions and sizes. This is the
comeback of a long wanted feature, that was there on Mac OS 9 and
often asked back
- The Control Panel can be launched just to tweak monitor
settings without installing all the SwitchResX tools if you
don't need all the features, in which case the interface is
- Can now change the default resolution used after restart: that
should avoid situations where a new resolution could be added,
enabled by the System, and used, but the monitor would stay black,
(and the user thought it destroyed its monitor)
- Can now edit advanced settings (new resolutions, monitor
characteristics, ...) of unattached monitors, if you know
their vendor ID
- Lets you copy and paste the parameters of custom
resolutions as Windows "Powerstrip" or X11 "modeline" settings that
you can find on the web - no need to make the conversion to enter
the parameters in SwitchResX, it does that automatically for
- Includes the Kagi Registration Module for direct registartion
from within SwitchResX itself
- More resolutions are shown as VESA timings that can be
- Universal Binary available, although the x86 version is not
fully tested
Structure changes
- Changed the positions of files: now less items are installed on
your disk
- Interface has been slightly changed, to take user remarks into
account: it should be less difficult - the About Box is also
- Simplified and removed unused functions
- SwitchResX enters the registration data automatically if it
finds some in the Clipboard
Bugs corrected
- DDC report could sometimes show bad and false text values
- SwitchResX would crash if a bad formatted serial number was
- Arrow key was unusable in resolutions list
- A crash could occur or bad values could be read when reading
custom scaled resolutions
- Can again add/remove daemon from the login items
- Can again add/remove menu item from the menu bar
- Sometimes a custom monitor name was not saved
SwitchResX 3.6.3
- Contextual Menu was not working any more
- "Detect Displays" Menu item was not working any more
- Doesn't automatically run the Daemon any more if it is put in
the Trash after reinstall (should get rid of the annoying
Registration question that could continue to pop up even after
- Correctly manages display rotation angle on interleaved
SwitchResX 3.6.2
- Correction of a crashing bug introduced in version 3.6.1
SwitchResX 3.6.1
- Corrects a problem with MacOS X 10.4.3
- Should be less sensible to preferences loss during system
- Corrects a crash when Display Name was stored as localized name
in preferences file
NB: x86 version is provided - no support is
assured for this version, though
SwitchResX 3.6
- Moved code base from CodeWarrior to XCode 2.1 for Intel
transition: Intel version is ready for the D-day
- Moved all the User Interface from old Resources to Interface
- Unified both localized versions in one installer and one
product - repackaged the installer
- Can read and write preferences file even if Daemon is not
running - can be use to create resolutions even without running
- Properly shows the correct key shortcuts in all supported
languages - dynamically
- Toolbar is customizable - desktop functions that are still
useless on MacOS X are no more included by default
- Added modifications buttons in timing definitions for quick
changes (moving picture, changing size of picture) without touching
- Added button to export Display information in a text file
- Can customize display range properties
- Made custom display name changes system-wide
- Corrects a bug where an incorrect resolution could be applied
fro m a Display Set if the resolution was disabled after
- Corrects a bug that could crash the Daemon when fast-switching
between users
- Corrects a bug where the Daemon could be added multiple times
to the startup items
- Corrects a bug where orientation information of a display was
not updated after a display rotation
SwitchResX 3.5.2
- Corrects a bug where it could save an incorrect number of
built-in resolutions in unregistered mode
- Corrects a bug where bad pixel clock was written to system
file, causing unuseable and weird resolutions to be shown
- Corrects a bug where a crash could occur when plugging or
unplugging a monitor
- Some interface corrections
SwitchResX 3.5.1
- Can define custom resolutions very easily by use of three
timing formulas (GTF, CVT, CVT-RB)
- Can manage rotation of displays on Tiger
- Better handles resolutions that are temporary unavailable in a
display set (for example in case of rotation of a display)
- Horizontal parameters multiplicity is got from the IORegistry,
and thus should be compatible with all cards
- Modified the code for detection of configuration changes
outside SwitchResX...
- Corrects a bug that crashed the French version of the Menu
extra module
SwitchResX 3.5
- Proofed on Tiger
- Redesigned user interface
- Corrects nasty bugs introduced in SwitchResX 3.4 - when
hotplugging a monitor, when editing a resolution by
- Uses standard MacOS X toolbar elements instead of custom design
code, making the code cleaner and easier to maintain
- Changed parts of the code to prepare eventual transition to